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5 Excuses Keeping You From Living Your RV Dream

We’ve been full-time RVing for the last two years. Over that time, we’ve received hundreds of emails from people that are interested in full-time RVing. Sometimes those emails are from people saying that they wish that they could do what we are doing. They’ll tell us they’d love the chance to experience the freedom and joy that a life on the road can bring, but for [insert some reason] they believe they could never do it. These emails typically fill us with sadness because their [reason] is based out of fear rather than reality.

While everyone’s situation is different, and there’s legitimate reasons that would prevent someone from pursuing full-time RVing, many people allow themselves to believe lies about the lifestyle that simply aren’t true. We’re all our own worst’s enemies. We each carry limiting beliefs that hold us back far more than any person or thing. Limiting beliefs are lies that cause us to feel stuck in our comfort zones.

Let’s address some of these limiting beliefs head on, and expose them for what they really are… lies! If you’ve been considering making the leap into full-time RVing, I want you to overcome your fear so you don’t fall victim to these common lies. They’re not true, and if full-time RVing is your dream, you can absolutely achieve it!

RV driving through big bend national park

Stop believing these 5 lies: 

1. “I can’t afford to do it.”

The most common lie that people tell themselves is they can’t afford to travel full-time. This misconception largely comes from thinking RV travel costs would be similar to vacation costs, which is not the case.

The great thing about full-time RVing is that it can be as expensive or inexpensive as you want or need.

Generally speaking, RVing is less expensive than living in a sticks-and-bricks house. Many people buy older RVs and pay them off or, have very low monthly payments. We bought a brand new RV and the monthly payment is still almost 60% cheaper than our apartment in Raleigh, NC was. Of course, you do have to consider gas, campground accommodations, insurance, and other factors. However, unlike your rent or mortgage, you can easily reduce your monthly rates by workamping, boondocking or leveraging RV memberships.  We’ve written several other posts that talk about how to save money on the road, if you need more ideas. Many people are actually full-time RVing as a method to save money.

2. “I can’t make money on the road.”

The biggest hurdle to full-time RVing (and sustaining it) is earning a living on the road. I’m not gonna lie and tell you that it’s easy, or that everyone’s doing work they love and making lots of money while traveling. But, I can assure you there are many plausible ways to make money from the road.

There’s never been a better time in human history to pursue remote work. With just an internet connection and a laptop, many people have created businesses or work opportunities that allow them to work from anywhere in the world. More and more companies are embracing the idea of telecommuting which makes landing a remote job easier than ever.

Many jobs, however, require a lot more than a computer and telecommuting isn’t possible. For people with these jobs/careers, a transition to road life is definitely more challenging, but not impossible. You might have to learn new skills, push your boundaries, or take on jobs you’ve never had. The options for making a living and traveling in an RV are out there, if you are willing to do whatever it takes.

Want to know how we make money on the road? Check out this post to see how we earn a living while traveling in our RV.

3. “Now isn’t a good time.”

Have you ever felt like every time you try to do something big and exciting, something comes along and tries to stop you? Or, as soon as things start going right, suddenly something goes terribly wrong? Life has a funny way of testing us. My favorite book, The Alchemist,  by Paulo Coelho talks about how this normally occurs right as we’re about to achieve our personal legend, or the thing we are seeking the most.

Because of this, and because life is always a crazy mix of good and bad, you can be sure that there’s never a perfect time to make a big change or to chase a new dream. The perfect time to do anything is actually right now! You’re not guaranteed tomorrow. Therefore, if you’re compelled to full-time RV, go for it and take the first step now.

Taking the first step looks differently for everyone. Your first step might be creating a budget and a savings plan. You might need to find a new job, or buy the right RV. Regardless, taking the first step will alert the universe of your intentions and put the pieces in motion. All the other things will work themselves out once you start moving towards your goal.

4. “People will think I am crazy.”

This one may not actually be a lie. It’s quite likely that some people will think you’re crazy! What we’ve discovered through our experience, though, is the people that think you’re crazy are also the people that admire and respect you the most.

Even if that weren’t the case, does it really matter what other people think? Would you rather not pursue your dream of full-time RVing so your coworkers or your family don’t think you’re a little crazy? It’s your life and you should live it the way that you want.

5. “I will get lonely on the road.”

will i get lonely on the road as an RVer

One of our biggest fears was that we would be lonely on the road. Before RVing, we moved across the country from Colorado to North Carolina. We spent nine months in Raleigh and found it challenging to make friends and build genuine relationships. We figured it would only be even more challenging finding community on the road.

I’m happy to report this wasn’t the case. RVers and the RV community are extremely friendly, outgoing and compassionate. Through social media and online communities such as our very own Nomad Collab, it’s been easy to make friends.

We’ve developed strong, deep relationships with other travelers. People that you’ve only recently met can somehow become your close friends. It’s almost unbelievable, but its a common story you’ll hear time and time again from those inside the RV community. Don’t let this fear hold you back. Making friends is easier than you’d think, if you’re willing to be open and engage with people!

What about you? Are you wanting to become a full-time RVer but are struggling? Are any of these lies holding you back? We’d love to hear from you and help answer any question you might have.


Other RV Related Posts:

Tips for Saving Money While Living Full-Time in an RV

Learn From Our Mistakes: 4 Tips for Newbie RVers

The Most Commonly Asked Questions About Full-Time RVing

Is Full-Time RVing Right for Me?


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Daniel McKenzie

Dan is a near Colorado native that loves to experience new places, cultures, and adventures. He considers himself a pretty laid back kind of guy and loves to enjoy a refreshing beverage on a patio.

All posts by Daniel McKenzie

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Gregory Smith
Gregory Smith
6 years ago

I enlisted in the Air Force in 1978 when I was 18; right out of high school. I’m a retired AF veteran and I can retire from my civilian Air Force job at any time. I keep saying I have only 3.5 years to go before I hit 62 and can retire with Social Security. I’ve never RV’ed before and I’ve been researching how to be an RV Nomad for more than a year. My wife passed away last month and told to “have fun”. So, I think 🤔 you guys are onto something. Thanks for your encouraging words. they’re… Read more »