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How We Freed Up $600/Month to Pay Off Debt and Travel More!

Since we got married in 2010, we’ve traveled to 10 different countries together, and are now traveling the U.S. full-time in an RV!  But also, we managed to pay off $100,000 in debt and save $25,000 during all this travel. So, we were able to pay off debt AND travel more? Sound too good to be true?

Since we are, by no means, “wealthy” and never have been, we often get asked how we did it. We know so many people who want to travel more and say they can’t afford it. But we wonder how many of those people actually can afford it, but aren’t in control of their money and spending.

When we first started implementing a budget and getting serious about paying off our debt so we could travel more, we started tracking every single expense we had and purchase we made. This was so eye opening for us. We realized there were so many little ways we could cut back and therefore money that we could easily free up. 

It turns out, paying off debt to travel more didn’t require us to make more money, it actually was more about being smarter with the money we had.

We decided to put together a PDF containing a list of the ways we freed up $600 a month to help give others ideas for how they could do the same. $600 may not sound like a whole lot, but if you are able to save that much every month for 6 months, you’d have $3,600. In a year, you’d have $7,200! That’s a lot of money you can put towards paying off debt or achieving your dream of traveling more…or both!

If you want to see exactly how we freed up $600…

Grab your FREE copy of our PDF “How We Freed up $600 a Month to Pay Off Debt & Travel More”. To get your copy, enter your email in the form at the bottom of this post and we will send it to you right away!

We can’t imagine what our life would be like without travel. It’s a huge part of who we are individually and as a married couple. While we feel so blessed, we also know that a big part of why we’ve been able to travel so much, is because of our money management skills, and the choices we make in order to prioritize and afford travel. 

So we’ve committed to sharing how we do it…

We’ve written the following posts that you might be interested in:

  • How We Afford to Travel Full-Time. We share exactly how we’ve afforded to travel so much in this post. There’s tips for getting cheaper flights, ways to spend less on trips, and more!
  • How Much Does it Cost to Full-Time RV (+ a FREE Download). In this post we share our monthly expenses to help other’s understand exactly how much it costs for us to travel full-time in our RV. We also surveyed 7 other RVers who are different from us (have kids, are retired, travel solo, etc.) and had them share their monthly expenses too. This is a great way to understand if you, too, can afford to full-time RV.
  • The Budgeting Process That Helped us Pay Off $100,000 in Debt! We break down the very process we use each month to budget that has been the greatest factor in not only allowing us to budget for travel, but also pay off our debt and save up an emergency fund.
  • Finance Your Detour. We created a budgeting program to teach how we implemented a budget and after 3 years eliminated most of our debt and built up a safety nest of money. This is ultimately how we had the peace of mind to full-time RV.

We hope there’s at least one thing here that helps you on your journey of taking control of your finances and achieving your travel dreams! If there is anything else you’d like to know about our travels, our budgeting, our story, or really anything, please reach out to us or leave us a comment below! We love being transparent and trying to help others.

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Pay off debt AND travel more? Sound too good to be true? This FREE printable contains EASY ways this travel couple freed up over $600 in order to pay off $100,000 in debt, save $25,000, AND now travel full-time! This couple also has a program to teach you how to get out of debt with an easy to use budgeting tool for couples and beginners. Living on a budget can be tough but its so worth it! #budget #debt #debtfree #budgeting #travelmore #money #dreams

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