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Faux Leather Earrings Adoption Fundraiser!

adoption fundraiser

Thank you so much for your support, but this fundraiser is no longer active. Please subscribe to our newsletter if you’d like to stay up to date on our adoption journey.

Give a gift that keeps on giving!

Looking for a special, affordable gift for family, friends, coworkers, teachers, neighbors, etc? 

Or, looking for earrings to wear to your upcoming holiday parties? 

Maybe both?

Either way, by purchasing these earrings, you’ll be donating to our adoption fund AND it’s tax deductible for you! Win win!

Average adoption costs range from $35,000 – $50,000, so supporting this fundraiser will greatly help us reach our dream of bringing a baby into our family. If you’re new to our website, be sure to read our adoption story

30+ different colors and styles!

We’ve worked hard to hand-make as many different styles of these earrings as possible. We’ve got a variety of colors and shapes so you can select a pair specifically for the holiday season and/or a pair you can wear year round! You can browse every single pair we can make below.

Here’s how to place an order…

  1. Fill out the form with your contact information.
  2. Select the earring/s you’d like to purchase by clicking the checkbox below it’s image.
  3. You’ll see the donation total calculate as you make your selections.
  4. Click submit and you’ll be redirected to our AdoptTogether page. This is a crowd funding site that allows you to make a tax deductible donation. You can then proceed to donate the total amount + anything additional if you wish. So technically, you are donating to our adoption fund, and we are sending you the earrings as a “thank you”! 
  5. We’ll be automatically notified of your order and will get busy making it. We will try our best to ship out orders the very next business day. So depending on your location, expect them to arrive within 3-5 days after you order. This is obviously not guaranteed so if you’d like to pay for faster shipping, let us know!

*We’re thrilled to continue making earrings to raise money for our adoption. Unfortunately, we can no longer guarantee delivery prior to Christmas*

Your donation will forever be cherished!

Every donor that supports our adoption journey will have their name placed on the backside of a puzzle piece. This puzzle (pictured below) will someday be framed and placed in our child’s bedroom and kept forever to remind us and them of all the people who were a part in bringing us together!

adoption puzzle fundraiser

Order Form:

Thank you for your support!

This has already been an incredible journey and we are so happy that we get to share our experience with so many people. We’re are so thankful for each of you.

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