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Lindsay McKenzie

Lindsay is a proud Colorado native who loves Jesus, her family (especially her 3 nieces and 5 nephews), and of course, adventures with her husband Dan and their 2 dogs. She's a simple kind of girl. All it takes to make her happy is a cold beer, some country music, a sunset, and maybe a fishing pole!
Adoption match announcement photo of a couple holding their cell phones side by side to show them holding up two halves of a heart saying matched

Adoption Update 5/29 – WE MATCHED!!!

This has been the update we’ve been waiting to give since we started the adoption process! It feels surreal to even type it.  We are officially matched with an expectant mother!! We’ve been building a relationship with her over the past three weeks and have starting taking the steps to make an adoption plan.  But […]

Bacon cooking on a pan over a campfire

Cooking With Bacon While Camping

Disclosure: This post is sponsored by the National Pork Board as part of their #BaconforBlursday campaign. With the current stay-at-home orders due to Covid-19, it’s hard to keep track of what day it is. But the National Pork Board is on a mission to cure those “Blursday” blues and make everyone’s Blursday better with BACON! […]

letters that spell out the word adoption over a house and stick figure family

Tips for Choosing an Adoption Agency

It might sound silly, but choosing an adoption agency was one of the hardest steps in the adoption process for us. Mainly because we had no clue going into the process that our options were practically limitless.  When we first starting exploring adoption, we literally did a Google search for adoption agencies in our city. […]

Computer with adoption application open

I’m Ready to Adopt. . .Where Do I Start?

When we made the decision to grow our family through adoption, we were absolutely clueless on where to begin. I literally Googled “adoption” and just began scouring the internet, which was a bit overwhelming.  Now, I see so many others going through the same exact emotion. Whether it’s in an adoption Facebook group I’m a […]

Mountain road with health written on the streeet at sunset

5 Tips for Self-Care While Traveling

One of the best things about living a travel/location independent lifestyle is the freedom that you have. In fact, the freedom to choose how and where to spend your days is probably the number one reason that people strive for this lifestyle. But, with great freedom comes the potential to fall into many unhealthy habits! […]