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Lindsay McKenzie

Lindsay is a proud Colorado native who loves Jesus, her family (especially her 3 nieces and 5 nephews), and of course, adventures with her husband Dan and their 2 dogs. She's a simple kind of girl. All it takes to make her happy is a cold beer, some country music, a sunset, and maybe a fishing pole!

How to Make Money on the Road

  This is a guest post by Daniel Msanii, the avid hiker and camper behind Camping Maniacs is a platform where Daniel shares his outdoor experience, gives advice on the same and ultimately helps the enthusiastic camping and hiking community.   As far back as the year 2011, a study carried out by the University […]

water filter system sitting on counter in rv camper kitchen

Product Review: Berkey Water Filter

We love trying new products that help improve our lifestyle of simplicity and adventure. We’re minimalists and very selective about the items we purchase and the money we spend. More importantly, we enjoy sharing the products we love with our loyal followers, in hopes that these products can help simplify their lives as well! Disclosure: […]