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Lindsay McKenzie

Lindsay is a proud Colorado native who loves Jesus, her family (especially her 3 nieces and 5 nephews), and of course, adventures with her husband Dan and their 2 dogs. She's a simple kind of girl. All it takes to make her happy is a cold beer, some country music, a sunset, and maybe a fishing pole!
couple on a road trip holding hands as they drive in the mountains

Thinking of Full-Time RVing With Your Significant Other? Here Are Some Things to Keep In Mind

Full-time RVing is becoming increasingly enticing. The idea of making life the adventurous, intoxicating journey it was meant to be is the motivation behind many people’s reasoning for ditching the 9-5 routine for an enlivening odyssey on the road. When you pair the tradition-defying allure of living in an RV with the romantic notion of […]

Do These 10 Simple Things to Make Every Day a Good Day

Since we took our life on the road, I’ve constantly struggled with the daily battle of having a flexible schedule vs. a productive work day. While I love the freedom that this lifestyle offers, it can be hard to find a routine that allows you to accomplish your to-do list. I’ve tried tomato timers, hour-by-hour […]

Sacrifices of Full-Time RV Travel

Full-time traveling in an RV sounds pretty glamorous, right? And in many ways, it is! It’s filled with adventure, excitement, beautiful destinations, and sprinkled with flexibility and freedom. We love it…most days. There’s a sacrifice for everything in life, they say, and it’s true. We love encouraging others to full-time RV and are constantly sharing […]

woman cleaning RV with Dyson Cyclone v10 vacuum

Product Review: Dyson Cyclone V10 Absolute

We love trying new products that help improve our lifestyle of simplicity and adventure. We’re minimalists and very selective about the items we purchase and the money we spend. More importantly, we enjoy sharing the products we love with our loyal followers, in hopes that these products can help simplify their lives as well! Disclosure: […]

beddys bedding great for RV

Product Review: Beddy’s

We love trying new products that help improve our lifestyle of simplicity and adventure. We’re minimalists and very selective about the items we purchase and the money we spend. More importantly, we enjoy sharing the products we love with our loyal followers, in hopes that these products can help simplify their lives as well! Disclosure: […]

How Blogging Has Changed My Life (and could change yours too!)

Okay, I know this title is a bit dramatic sounding. But truthfully, blogging was the bridge between closing the door on one chapter of my life to a new beginning and achieving a new dream. If you’re considering starting a blog or are currently building and growing a blog, I believe it could possibly change […]

Lake Louise in Banff National Park

RVing to Banff National Park

Banff National Park is the ultimate RV destination. In fact, it seems as though there are more RVs on the road there than cars! So, if Banff is on your bucket list, as it should be, start planning an RV trip today. We’re here to help with the top, can’t-miss activities. Also, be sure to […]