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Holiday FUNdraiser – Letters from Santa!

Thank you so much for your support, but this fundraiser is no longer active. Please subscribe to our newsletter if you’d like to stay up to date on our adoption journey.

Send your child an official letter from the North Pole!

Being that it’s the most wonderful and magical time of the year, we thought it would be fun to spread some holiday cheer! 

When Lindsay was a kindergarten teacher, one of her absolute favorite things was to do Christmas activities with her students. She loved seeing the wonder and amazement in their eyes; she may have been more excited than they were :).

What could be more fun and magical than a personalized letter from Santa Claus?

For this fundraiser, we’re sending that special child in your life a letter from the North Pole.

What’s Included?

This year Old Saint Nick is sending out personalized letters to your child. Each letter shares how excited Santa is to be visiting your location and praises the child for something that they’ve done great this year. Also, Santa is making it official with a “Santa’s Nice List Certificate”. And if that wasn’t enough, Santa wants to help your child show off to the world by including a “Nice List 2019” sticker!

How does it work?

Getting a personalized letter from Santa is easy. Simply fill out the order form below and Santa will start right away on your letter! You’ll then be redirected to our fundraising page where you can make a donation and help us get closer to our dream of becoming parents.

A few things to keep in mind:

  • There is no price for these letters, it’s just on a donation basis.
  • There is no minimum donation amount needed for a letter, just keep in mind that it cost us about $1.50 to make and ship each one.
  • Your donations to AdoptTogether are tax-deductible, which is one of the main reasons we chose to use their platform.
  • The submission deadline is December 14th to ensure delivery by December 24th.
  • Available in the U.S. only.

Thank you for your support!

This has already been an incredible journey and we are so happy that we get to share our experience with so many people. We’re are so thankful for each of you. If you’re new to our adoption story, please check out our adoption page for more information.

We are really excited about this fundraiser and truly hope that these letters will bring joy and wonder to your child this holiday season!

Your donation will forever be cherished!

Every donor that supports our adoption journey will have their name placed on the backside of a puzzle piece. This puzzle (pictured below) will someday be framed and placed in our child’s bedroom and kept forever to remind us and them of all the people who were a part in bringing us together!

adoption puzzle fundraiser

Letters from Santa Order Form

The form below has space for 3 children. If you need more than 3, please email us directly at

The submission deadline is December 14th.


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