We decided to head south for the winter and follow the snowbirds down to Florida! While the Keys are the most popular Florida destination, there are so many other great to check out on a Florida road trip. Also, in order to secure an RV site in The Keys, you have to make reservations a […]
RVing to Canada: What to Know Before Crossing the Border
Headed to Canada in an RV, eh? While it can be a little more complicated than crossing in your car, it’s pretty simple, as long as you’re prepared, so we hope these tips can help. Last fall when we RVed to Niagara Falls, we were pretty unprepared. We ended up having to park on the […]
5 Reasons EVERYONE Loves Bend, Oregon
We’d never really considered visiting Bend, Oregon until we hit the west coast and was recommended we go there by nearly ever person we came in contact with. So we fit it into our route and now see what the hype is all about. Here are 5 reasons YOU will love Bend, Oregon too! 1. […]
5 Tips to Explore Napa Valley Without Breaking the Bank!
This is a guest post from Shea and Erin from LivingMileByMile.com,who we met last year at the RV Entrepreneur Summit. They’ve been full-time RVing for 3 years now and if you aren’t following their adventures on Instagram, you should be. You’ll fall in love with their photography, genuine personalities, and zest for life and travel. […]
Taking Your Marriage on the Road: How Full-Time RVing Impacted Our Relationship
After getting married in 2010, we quit our jobs and booked one way tickets to Costa Rica with no set plans for where we’d live or what we’d do for work. This 4 month adventure set the tone for our marriage. Two years later, back in Denver, Colorado, we were sitting around a campfire in […]
The Budgeting Process That Helped us Eliminate $100,000 in Debt!
In our last post, “How We Afford to Travel Full-Time“, we mentioned that budgeting was the #1 way we afford to do any kind of traveling. Budgeting allowed us to identify ways we were wasting money and/or areas we could cut back on in order to free up money for travel. Turns out, we were able […]
How We Freed Up $600/Month to Pay Off Debt and Travel More!
Since we got married in 2010, we’ve traveled to 10 different countries together, and are now traveling the U.S. full-time in an RV! But also, we managed to pay off $100,000 in debt and save $25,000 during all this travel. So, we were able to pay off debt AND travel more? Sound too good to […]