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Adoption Update 1/12/21 – The Countdown is On!

It feels so surreal to even type this but we are DAYS away from meeting our hopeful son. We are officially in waiting-for-baby mode!

After a few minor scares that his mom could go into labor early, we made the decision to travel this past weekend, a couple weeks earlier than expected. We’re now settled into our Airbnb nearby her so we’re ready any day now for his arrival! It’s nice to have that peace of mind. We couldn’t imagine not being there for mom and baby. 

Since it’s been three months since our last adoption update, let us quickly catch you up on what we’ve been up to and how things have been going. Spoiler alert, things honestly couldn’t be any better. We feel so, so blessed. 

3D Ultrasound

During our first visit to meet expectant mama, the three of us talked about how fun it would be to do a 3D ultrasound and get some better photos of growing baby boy. Plus, we wanted another opportunity to spend time together before his due date.

The week before Thanksgiving she was 28 weeks along and we’ll never forget how it felt to see this sweet face on the screen. 

That smile and little nose, those lips…we’re in love!

He was absolutely perfect and precious. She even invited my mom to join us, and she brought along one of her family members as well, which was so special for our families to meet. The amount of people supporting this adoption and loving on this baby is amazing, he is such a lucky boy.  

We stared at the ultrasound photos for days after that appointment! It helped to make us feel more of a connection and made everything seem that much more “real”. 

Preparing For Baby

After returning home from our trip for the 3D ultrasound, we were so excited to start getting prepared for him.

Building the changing table/dresser

So the last couple months we’ve been getting the nursery ready, we chose a pediatrician, we picked up some hand-me-downs from Lindsay’s sister who had a baby boy earlier this year (they’re going to be good little buddies!), as well as some baby items passed down to us from a few friends. 

Our family spoiled baby for Christmas and even organized a “Shower By Mail” to help us get some of the essentials before he comes. We were blown away by all the gifts we got shipped to us in just one week.

Having a baby shower for an adoption isn’t always feasible. Then with Covid and not knowing when it will be possible to gather in person again, we felt so loved that our “village” found a way to celebrate and help us prepare to become parents, even in this unique situation.


We’re Ready…Really REALLY Ready!

As we mentioned, we’re now situated closer to expectant mama and waiting on baby to come whenever he’s ready. We could not be more excited and eager to meet this little man. We’ve literally never wanted, prayed, and anticipated something so much in our lives.

How cute is baby’s suitcase?!!

The emotions we’re feeling are all over the place not only because we’ve grown to love this baby, but also his mom. And while this is the most exciting and joyful time in our lives, it’s quite the opposite for her.

We wish we had the words to even describe how amazing she is and the amount of strength, courage, and grace she has shown throughout this journey with us. She is absolutely remarkable and has continually put herself and her own emotions aside in order to give the us and baby the greatest adoption story possible. 

She sends videos of baby kicking, weekly “bump-date” photos, Facetimed during her doctors appointments, jumps on conference calls with our attorney anytime we need to, etc. She’s so thoughtful and we can’t wait to share all these loving details with baby boy someday.

We don’t take any of it for granted. We are counting and praising God for every single blessing along the way. 

She is just about 36 weeks now so we’re celebrating that he is close to being full term and growing stronger every day. We are excited to go to her final doctors appointments and be a part of every detail until he enters this world. As of now, despite Covid restrictions, we should be allowed to be in the delivery room with her. 

We’re soaking up these final days and love that we can spend time with her and her family in the meantime. It would mean so much to us if you could keep all of us in your prayers. Please pray for a smooth delivery, a healthy baby, and more than anything pray for his incredible mom – for her health and safety, and for God to comfort and guide her during this time.

Thank you so much. We’re SO close! 🙂

Dan + Lindsay


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Roxanne Covillo
Roxanne Covillo
3 years ago

Dear Lord we pray for strength, for the pregnant mom as the last 4 weeks can be so uncomfortable: to sleep, to get out of bed, to walk, and oh the heartburn! We pray for the safe delivery of this baby boy that is already so loved. We pray for the recovery of the mom’s body from her pregnancy. We pray for peace for this mom to affirm her decision to give her child up for adoption. We pray for Lindsay and Dan as they become parents for the first time. We know they will continue to rely upon their… Read more »

Daniel McKenzie
Daniel McKenzie
3 years ago

Thank you Roxanne for your kind and thoughtful prayer!